Quantum Farms
Quantum offers dynamic liquidity farming, in which farms distribute ARX rewards only to active liquidity positions that have their current prices within their configured price ranges. Positions with narrower price ranges (greater concentration) will have a higher relative share in the entire farm pool when using the same amount of underlying tokens, leading to increased ARX rewards. This incentivizes liquidity concentration around the current trading price, ensuring minimal trading slippage for traders.
Enhanced Farming Experience: Greater Flexibility and Incentives In Quantum, users can stake multiple liquidity positions for the same token pair within a single farm and manage them individually, or automate management through our Automated Liquidity Management feature. Additionally, users can claim earned trading fee rewards, reinvest them, or withdraw liquidity without needing to unstake from the farm. Our Automated Liquidity Management can even handle the rebalancing of your ranges for you, making the process even easier.
Trifecta of Rewards -
With Quantum, you don't just earn WETH and ARX anymore, but also both of the tokens you provided liquidity for, for example, USDT and USDC, along with ARX rewards for farming.
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